
Our Approach to Data Quality

Clinical trials and registries have traditionally been the gold standard for healthcare data. These closed systems exhibit high data quality, with complete longitudinal patient records across data domains in a clean, analysis-ready format. However, achieving this level of quality involves significant manual labor, a lengthy timeframe for data extraction spanning months to years, and results in insights that are not easily generalizable to other areas.

Truveta aims to deliver superior-quality data compared to clinical trials and registries by offering comprehensive patient records that are clean, analytics-ready, trusted by regulators, representative of a large and diverse population. We also do so more efficiently, striving to make data available for analytics within one day of care provision.

This whitepaper provides insight into:

  • How healthcare data from members is securely stored, cleaned, and de-identified for use in Truveta Studio
  • Truveta's approach to measuring data quality along dimensions including representativeness, completeness, timeliness, and cleanliness
  • The systems Truveta is building to support regulatory submissions

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