
Creativity as a Catalyst for Business Growth

A creative culture is business critical. More than ever, global business leaders are turning to new and unexpected ways to solve for complexity. 

Explore how organizations put creative business into practice in Creativity as a Catalyst for Business Growth, commissioned by Canva with Harvard Business Review Analytic Services. 

This study features insights from more than 500 global business leaders. Findings include: 

  • Creativity is a business imperative.
    96% of surveyed leaders agree creative ideas are essential to long-term success. 
  • AI fuels success.
    47% of leaders use Gen AI to foster creativity for the purpose of strategic growth. 
  • Visual communication tools unlock creativity.
    64% of leaders say visual communication tools are the technology they use the most to foster creativity for strategic growth. 

Download the full report to learn how your organization can turn business obstacles into creative opportunities. 

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