
High density power conversion: more power in less space

This eBook provides a guide to developing better power delivery to meet the needs of today’s EV

Application examples will show you how high density power conversion can optimize vehicle power from the high voltage battery to an efficient, lightweight 48V zonal architecture:

  • 400/800V charging compatibility
  • 400/800V conversion to 48V
  • Bridging 48V and 12V in zonal architectures

Case studies will demonstrate how other companies have leveraged Vicor technology to overcome design challenges:

  • Significantly reducing the size and weight of DC-DC conversion
  • Powering 400V legacy accessories in new 800V architectures
  • High density power conversion makes active suspensions viable

In-depth articles will guide you through the key advantages of power modules over traditional discrete power solutions:

  • BEVs have a weight problem that can’t be solved with traditional approaches
  • Eliminate the 12V battery and increase EV performance
  • Preparing the way ahead for a compatible EV infrastructure

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