
CNAPP 101: Tech’s Newest Approach to Securing Cloud Native Assets

Whether you spend your days in sprints or stay awake at night wondering if you’ll be in the headlines tomorrow as the next big data breach, one thing is certain: developing applications for cloud native deployment adds a lot of complexity to security. The technological diversity of containers, Kubernetes, IaC templates, and multi-cloud environments are great for scalability, but it obscures visibility of security risks and makes crafting an effective security initiative a challenge.

In 2021, Cloud Native Application Protection Platforms (CNAPP) burst onto the scene, offering a singular solution and concerted approach for end-to-end security of cloud native applications and environments. But how are CNAPPs different from what Security and DevOps professionals have been doing for years? Are they a tool for security testing, runtime threat detection, or environment hardening?

Join Aqua Security as we help navigate this emerging technology and define its place in your security initiatives and DevOps workflows. We’ll discuss:

  • The fundamentals of a cloud native application protection platform (CNAPP)
  • Why cloud native applications require a transformed approach to security
  • Recommendations for using a CNAPP to achieve visibility and control without disrupting workflows

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