
The changing face of CX: As digitisation gathers momentum in the insurance market, is customer experience keeping pace?

The Challenge

As a result of recent global events and the subsequent shift towards virtual living, there is an increased expectation from customers to have access to intuitive, 24/7 self-service options. Advances in technology innovation have further accentuated this expectation and hence the need for companies to prioritise customer experience (CX).

TCS Solution

TCS CX Review evaluates and benchmarks participants’ CX against standards specific to the insurance industry. Our in-depth analysis informs a better understanding of customer expectations thereby transforming brand experience.

We will conduct an independent, human-led evaluation of the CX journey that will include associated processes and technology. The analysis will examine all relevant channels - including IVR, Web, Chat and Social Response etc - to quantify and benchmark your capabilities in several areas, including ease of navigation, transacting, query resolution and self-help.

Learn more and request your personal CX report now!

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