
Improving IT for younger generations?

The new world of work needs a new era of technology

The growing, work-from-anywhere (WFA) workforce has specific priorities. For example: 70% of millennials say sustainability affects how long they stay at a company. Our starter guide shows how you can meet their needs, using powerful laptops and managed IT services that are made for the job.

Lenovo Solutions and the ThinkPad Z Series are ready to help IT teams reinvent mobile enterprise. Enable your employees to find their work-life balance through new, hybrid opportunities. Or get hybrid teams working closer together with enhanced IT services to simplify and support their work.

Smarter solutions can enhance productivity and collaboration, decrease support requests and increase employee retention. And for security? The Lenovo ThinkPad Z Series includes the first AMD processor to offer the enhanced security of Microsoft Pluton – the Ryzen™ PRO 6000 Series.

Learn how to accelerate a modern workspace and prepare your IT for the next generation of users.

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